ACE Fo​undation

What is a Fund?

Community foundations typically offer various types of funds to cater to the diverse interests and philanthropic goals of donors.  By establishing or contributing to a fund at a community foundation, individuals, families, businesses, and organizations can make a lasting impact on their community, support charitable causes they care about, and benefit from the expertise and infrastructure provided by the community foundation. 

Each fund is typically governed by specific guidelines and policies to ensure proper stewardship and alignment with the ACE Foundation and its mission and objectives.  Here are some types of funds offered by the ACE Foundations.

  • Community Impact Fund: This fund is unrestricted and allows the community foundation to allocate grants to a wide range of charitable projects and organizations that serve the community's needs. The foundation's board of directors or a grants committee typically decides on the grant recipients based on community input and identified priorities. 
  • Field-of-Interest Fund: This fund is established to support a particular area of interest or cause, such as education, healthcare, arts and culture, or environmental conservation. Donors specify the focus area, and the community foundation directs grants to organizations and projects that align with that cause. 
  • Donor-Advised Fund: This fund allows donors to play an active role in recommending grants to specific charitable organizations. Donors contribute to the fund, receive a tax deduction, and work closely with the community foundation's staff to identify and support organizations they are passionate about. 
  • Scholarship Fund: Community foundations often manage scholarship funds that provide financial assistance to students pursuing higher education. These funds may be established by individuals, families, or organizations and are used to award scholarships based on criteria set by the fund's creator.
  • Nonprofit Agency Funds: These funds are established by nonprofit organizations to create an endowment or reserve for their long-term financial sustainability. The community foundation manages and invests the funds on behalf of the nonprofit, providing ongoing support to the organization's mission. 

Learn more about Fund Types

Why Give To A Foundation?

Donating to your local community foundation is an impactful way to support charitable causes in your geographical area. Community foundations are dedicated to addressing the specific needs and challenges of the communities they serve, making them a valuable resource for local nonprofits and initiatives.  By donating to a community foundation, you contribute to the betterment of your community and support causes that are close to home. These foundations work closely with local nonprofits, community leaders, and individuals to identify and address pressing needs, promote philanthropy, and create a positive impact.

One significant advantage of donating to a community foundation is the tax benefits you receive as a result of making a charitable contribution. Since community foundations are public charities, your donations may be eligible for tax deductions, allowing you to support causes you care about while potentially reducing your tax liability.Whether you are considering becoming a donor, seeking guidance as a professional adviser, leading a local nonprofit, or simply wanting to contribute to the future of northwest Kansas, connecting with the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation is a vital step towards fostering positive change and building a better tomorrow for your community.

Click here to donate to an active fund

Why Should I Give?

Give to Improve Life in Northwest Kansas

A community foundation is a public charity that focuses on supporting a geographical area to address community needs and supports local nonprofits.  When you donate to your local community foundation, you are supporting charitable causes close to home. Because it’s a public charity, you receive the tax advantages of making a charitable contribution.  Whether you’re a potential donor, a professional adviser, a local nonprofit director, or someone who is simply concerned about the future of northwest Kansas, connecting with the ACE Foundation is the first step toward a better tomorrow for northwest Kansas!

Anyone can give, and many people come to a point in their lives where they feel inclined to give back. They do so for a number of reasons, all very personal to them. And you do not need to be “wealthy” to give! Whether creating a named fund, contributing to an existing fund, making a gift in memory of a friend or loved one, or making an unrestricted gift to a fund for Greater Northwest Kansas benefit, every person in the community can make a difference. 

Everyone can play a significant role in growing the Rawlins County ACE Foundation and making a positive impact in the community. Here are some additional ways you can actively participate and contribute:

  • Donate: Consider making a financial contribution to the ACE Foundation. Your donation can support the foundation's efforts in providing grants and scholarships to benefit individuals and organizations in Rawlins County. Every contribution, no matter the amount, helps in building a stronger foundation for future generations.

  • Fundraise: Organize or participate in fundraising events or campaigns to generate funds for the ACE Foundation. This can include hosting charity events,  or encouraging others to donate to the foundation's cause. By mobilizing your community, you can collectively make a greater impact.

  • Volunteer: Offer your time, skills, and expertise to support the ACE Foundation's initiatives. Volunteer for events, join committees or task forces, or provide professional services pro bono. Your involvement can significantly contribute to the foundation's operations and help maximize its impact.

  • Spread the Word: Raise awareness about the ACE Foundation and its work within Rawlins County. Share information about the foundation's grants and scholarships programs, planned giving and encourage others to get involved, and highlight success stories or community projects supported by the foundation. By spreading the word, you can inspire others to participate and support the cause.

Remember, your participation, no matter how big or small, can make a difference. By actively engaging with the ACE Foundation and supporting its work, you contribute to the betterment of Rawlins County, fostering growth and creating opportunities for future generations.

Benefits to Giving

Why utilize a community foundation to facilitate charitable giving?

  • Community foundations provide a full range of services for your clients.
  • You remain in control of your client relationships while partnering with the local expert on philanthropy that helps you provide a full range of
    services to your client.
  • Community foundations provide maximum federal and state tax benefits, tailor giving plans to meet your clients’ particular needs, and provide a more simplified and cost effective alternative to a private foundation.
  • Community foundations have deep knowledge about their communities and can help your clients be more effective in their giving.
  • Your client can donate a variety of assets, from cash and appreciated stocks to real estate and more complicated assets. These can be assets they give now or later, as part of their estate plans.
  • You may stay connected with your clients across generations by helping them establish and maintain a charitable legacy for their children and
    grandchildren through a foundation fund.
  • Community foundations employ staff that are oriented toward donor-service, are skilled in solving complex gift situations, and have the ability to assist the client that desires confidentiality.
  • Many community foundations offer the donor the option of allowing client's gifts to remain invested with the client's current money manager.

Ways to Give

The four easy steps to giving

1. Commit to Give
Make a conscious decision that you wish to give a financial gift to a charitable organization which most interests you and/or your family.

2. Choose What to Give
You may wish to give a one time cash gift, share in a bountiful harvest, designate a portion of a life insurance policy to a charity, include the charitable cause in estate planning, make distributions from an IRA to a charity, name a charity in a transfer on death deed, or one of many other giving options.

3. Determine How to Give
Work with your local community foundation board or GNWKCF to determine the best way to give that aligns with your personal goals: give to an existing fund or establish a new fund or scholarship.

4. Decide When to Give
Work with your accounting or legal services to determine the best time to donate to maximize your charitable giving.

Donor Advised Funds

Donors receive charitable gift receipts for the contributions to their established DAF.  The fund is normally named in someone’s memory or established as a “Family Fund”, however, the donor(s) may personalize as they wish.  The donor(s) are setup as the advisors to their Fund, which allows them to make all grant recommendations from their DAF.  Grant recommendations must be to qualifying charitable 501(c)(3) organizations, educational, government or religious entities per IRS rules.  The donor(s) may name succeeding generations as successor advisors or transition it to the Foundation to advise over upon donor(s) death.

Contact the ACE Foundation to learn more

Future Fund Endowment

Donating to an endowment is much different than donating to a specific cause or project.  When you donate to an endowment, your donation lives on and gives back to the community every year.  Your initial donation will remain in the endowment, but the interest that your donation makes will be given out in grants.  We give out grants EVERY year!  The principal in the endowment remains intact and is never touched.  Click here to apply for grants.

Click here to apply for grants.

What is the difference between a Hansen Grant and a Future Fund Grant?

The Dane G. Hansen Foundation awards up to $50,000 in grants in our county each year.  The Rawlins Couty Future Fund is our own local endowment that the ACE Foundation uses to award grants to better our community.

Contact the ACE Foundation to learn more

Match Month

The Dane G. Hansen Foundation's offer to provide a $1 to $1 match up to $50,000 for the endowment fund presents an excellent opportunity to maximize the impact of donations. With the matching program, each donation made during December will be doubled, effectively doubling the support for Rawlins County.  If the fundraising goal of $50,000 is reached, the foundation will provide a "bonus gift" of $50,000 to the local operating fund. This bonus grant will bring the total potential gift to $100,000. By achieving this milestone, the community will have a grand total of $150,000 to support various initiatives and projects benefiting Rawlins County. This year Patterson Foundation as added up to $70,000 dollars match if we can go above our $50,000 goal. 

This matching opportunity is a compelling incentive for individuals and organizations to contribute during the month of December. The increased funding can significantly enhance the impact of the endowment fund and the local operating fund, leading to substantial benefits for the community.

Contact the ACE Foundation to learn more

Legacy Funds

Legacy funds are a type of endowed fund that are established to support a specific charitable organization or cause in perpetuity. These funds are often created through planned giving, which involves making provisions in one's estate plans or will to leave a charitable gift to the designated organization.

If you are interested in establishing a legacy fund for the ACE Foundation, there are a few steps you can take.  Reach out to the ACE Foundation to express your interest in establishing a legacy fund. They will provide you with the necessary information and guidance on how to proceed.

Contact the ACE Foundation

Available Funds

(as of June 24, 2023)

  • ACE Foundation Operating Endowment Fund
  • ACE Foundation Operating Fund
  • Andy Hansen Memorial Fund
  • Atwood Jayhawk Theatre Fund
  • Atwood Swim Team Fund
  • Atwood Swimming Pool and Park Project Fund
  • Barbara Creighton Reading Fund
  • Dane G. Hansen Foundation Community Grant Fund for Rawlins County
  • God's Little Saints Preschool Fund
  • HomeTown Competitiveness Fund
  • Lillie Solko Conservation Fund
  • Megan Leitner AED Fund
  • Music Education Fund
  • Rawlins County 4-H Foundation Fund
  • Rawlins County Amusement Fund
  • Rawlins County Future Fund
  • Rawlins County Math and Science Education Fund
  • Ryan Bergling Memorial Fund
  • Scott Chvatal Community Fund
  • United Methodist Church Endowment Fund

Search the current full list of available funds here!